Heard But Unseen

Rayan El Hajj
Aug 27, 2023


Have you heard the news today?

They claimed nothing you did ever mattered, just as you’d expect they’d say.

Hurt by the illusion, frustrated by fake reality, turning pages of delusion, losing slowly your sanity.

They told me I was wrong, but it’s all I ever heard. Everything I did was flawed: how I held my utensils, how I steered what remained of my own.

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Someone saw me hurting, yet no one seemed to care. Screaming from the places aching deep within my soul, I’m running out of breath.

They told you what’s new is you, though it’s all you ever heard. They said what’s wrong is you, and if they really knew, they’d realize it’s nothing new. It’s all you ever heard.



Rayan El Hajj

Software Developer, Blogger, Crocheter, Knitter, Amigurumi Artist & Relentless Learner. 📷 Insta: @Handraycrafts