Veiled Emotions

Rayan El Hajj
Sep 9, 2023


Photo by Oscar Keys on Unsplash

Caught up in the busyness of my life,

Forgotten between lines, so much is said,

Inspecting punctuation for context,

Sorting through all that I’ve had,

My life is crowded with love and lies,

Every mask dropped shows a face of true lies,

When facts hide in a masquerade,

And emotions fiddle with covers and shields,

Who is to end the parade?

Who will confess how he truly feels?

No emotion but betrayal,

No adjectives here made,

We stopped developing words that can aid,

Humanity shattered, broken, and confused,

Everyone a victim,

Everyone’s been used.



Rayan El Hajj

Software Developer, Blogger, Crocheter, Knitter, Amigurumi Artist & Relentless Learner. 📷 Insta: @Handraycrafts